Monday, August 8, 2011

Does he like me? (guys/girls advice WELCOME!)?

ok, yes he like you and hes quite old Fashion is good, he will like you when school starts and i suggest giving him your number if u havent all ready, he seems alot like me at that age which means hes worried to death about you, he will NOT make many first moves un less you give him a big nuge and by a big nuge you got to make it clear as day. flirt whith him a little and talk to him every day, missing a few days in a row will make him doubt full, if u want him to ask you you will have to put the subject on relationships. to flirt with him just laugh at him and give him friendly hugs now and again, compliment him alot and refrain from makeing to many jokes on his behalf, a few casual jokes are ok as long as you dont dwell on them and they are not to mean. he is not likely to make many first moves remember that, but dont be afraid to make the moves yourself

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