Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Civil Rights question, real life problem...very important.?

Okay...I need an educated response, no opinions...well I need opinions but educated opinions. Okay here is the situation. My younger sister was depressed for a long time, for a lot of reasons but I dont need to get into that... So she started seeing a therapist, Sabrina Sherrill, and a psychiatrist, Dr. Fernando, . Oh yes we live in Bakersfield, California. He put my sister, Sara, on Prozac and Trazadone. They didn't work, all it did was make her anxious. So then he put her on Zoloft and Benadryl. The Zoloft and Benadryl made her anxious and she was having difficulty falling alsleep(so she had to take Tylenol but again this isn't very important). The Benadryl did not work at all, it was supposed to put her to sleep, so my mother left a message for Fernando on a Friday night. To this day Fernando has not responded to us about that. We just gave her Tylenol Pm BUT my mother DID feel weird about giving Sara the Pm. But what could she do? Fernando would not respond to us on that. Okay, back to the point, so Fernando increased the Zoloft because the amount she was on wasn't working. It did nothing about the sleep but it did make her feel better(for a while). Now Sara has never had a bipolar symptom in her life but this Zoloft...........it put her into a bipolar high. Just so you know my Mother took Zoloft a few years back and a simular situation happened so it could be hereditary. At first with tylenol, way too much though, she was able to go to sleep the first two days. By the third day she was unable to sleep. Now you know what a lack of sleep can do....her mind was beginning to get unclear and confused despite her best efforts. She noticed this and was BEGGING for sleep. Note this:most bipolar people do not want sleep, this is a clic symptom of bipolar. But Sara was begging for sleep? HMMMM. Okay getting back to the point. After the third day my mother and father decided to check her into Good Samaritan hospital adolescent ward, Sara is 15 years old, in order to get her to sleep. Good Samaritan is a mental hospital just so you know, although they like to think of themselves as a normal hospital. It was JUST to get her to sleep, and to adjust her medications quickly NOTHING MORE. My mom thought that they would sedate Sara because when my mom went in 10 years ago because she couldnt sleep and they sedated her. At first Sara was getting worse, we noticed that Sara was not sleeping, they woke her up in the day because they wanted her to participate in group activities and wanted her awake in the day and to sleep at night even though Sara could not sleep at night at the time. On Saturday my mom persuaded one of the nurses to let Sara to sleep through lunch and visiting hours. Saturday night she was fine and had a clear mind. Last night, Saturday night, she slept four more hours after we left and took a seven hour nap...(due to the face that my mom had to convince them) Alright so, last night we wanted to take her home because she is fine and we can give her medicine at home. The doctor said no. If we were to take her against his wishes he would cut off all of her medicine and before we could even get that far we(me, my mother, and my father) would have to meet with a Met team to evaluate our sanity. My father refused so she is still there right now. Now, I think that they don't trust my mother. They are under the impression that she is a drug addict because she has to take a LARGE amount of medicine to treat her conditions. She has a Meditronic Drug Infusion System implant to help her. They asked her on the phone if she gives Sara Methadone for headaches. The nurse yelled at her because she asked why they don't sedate Sara. When mom was telling the nurse Sara needed sleep because Sara's thoughts were getting more strange and crazier by the day and the nurse was insisting that Sara needed to take part in lunch and talking to other girls during the day the nurse said and I quote, "Sara is doing well" Mom said, "Sara has decided that I'm a drug addict and needs to check in the hospital. How is that fine?" The nurse would not give an answer. So anyway, the nurse treats my mom different from my dad (ie: She wouldn't answere mom's questions about Sara's medicine but she did answer my Dad's) The nurse patronizes my mom, she yells at her. She is doing this because my mom is DISABLED. The nurse thinks of my mom as an addict and that she is somehow hurting Sara because Sara had not slept and was telling them stories. Sara is fine now after the nurse finally listened to my mom about letting Sara sleep in the day. They won't release her. Now my mom is afraid of seeing Sara or talking to anyone there. Her social phobia is coming out now which hasn't in years and I'm terrified myself. Oh yes, Sara was not court ordered in. They are threatening us so we don't take her out by threatening to take away Sara's medicine. We don't know what to do. Ok, my dad has not lived with Sara since she was seven, he does not take her for wee

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