Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Should I get my money back from a poor artificial nail job?

Okay I have had my nails done a few times and never had any problems, but I just moved to a new city and got my nails done. I thought I was getting gel nails since the charge was forty dollars, but after reading some of the other answers I realized I got the "fake" gel...a.k.a acrylic nails with a gel top coat... any way after she airbrushed on the french manicure she left me to dry and left, presumably for lunch. When I got to my car I noticed all kinds of bubbles in the nails and looking at the nails head on almost every nail is a different thickness! I would almost rather my nails looked like they did when I used to bite them ragged than the way they look now! I didn't go back in because she wasn't there and I had somewhere else I needed to be. Should I go back tomorrow?

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